Saturday, January 28, 2012


(image by Marta Syrko)

Você me apareceu num sonho noite passada,
rosto antigo,
voz cansada,
treze anos podem mudar um homem, Kenia.

Sempre pensei que 
quando alguém quer muito uma coisa
por mil anos ou treze, 
o universo poder surpreendê-lo 
com uma estrela cadente.

Sobe o pano - 
temos oitenta anos,
envelhecemos juntos na varanda,
você tem aquele brilho nos olhos, 
eu tenho bordados e cantigas de roda,
nós temos uma história para os nossos netos.

Treze anos podem mudar um homem, Alper,
bem como sessenta segundos.

Quantas escolhas cabem num minuto?
Quem pode separar as certas 
das erradas?

You came to me in a dream last night
an ancient face
and a weary tone
you said:
thirteen years can change a man, Kenia.

I've always thought if anyone wanted
the very same thing
for a thousand or thirteen years
the universe could surprise him
with a shooting star.

Curtain goes up -
we're eighty,
we've grown older together in the porch,
you have that spark in your eyes,
I have my needlework and nursery rhymes
we have a story to tell our grandchildren.

Yes, thirteen years can change a man, Alper,
and so can sixty seconds.

How many choices are there within a minute?
Who can tell the good from the bad ones?


  1. This sent shivers down my spine. I can definitely relate to this. It's not flattery when I say that you're an awesome writer!

  2. the universe has surprised me with a shooting star <3

  3. when does one know whether the choices of a minute were good or bad? at eighty? even then??

    i'm wary of he word, but there is something close to wisdom in these lines....

  4. Constancy is very hard to come by, and when we're sitting on that porch, whose to know if we made the right choices?

  5. Choices are often things that need time to ripen. Yet they are / have to be made so often in just a tiny minute. We can't go through two holes at a time like a photon, unfortunately ;-)

  6. As escolhas são diárias e contínuas. Eo certo e errado não pode existir em uma vida que só se decide uma vez.

  7. Thirteen years or thirty years...I've been wondering about these things. Are we still the people we were then? A perfect subject for a perfect poem, and you write in two languages, which always amazes me. Bravo, Kenia.

  8. Oh, beautiful and introspective! Superb, Kenia.

  9. This flowed in both languages. Ah, so absolutely, positively, beautiful.

  10. So pwerful, Kenia... I love this:

    Yes, thirteen years can change a man, Alper,
    and so can sixty seconds

  11. Ah, Kenia, this mystery we call life. Who knows where the years, the days, will take us? To love the journey is all.

  12. kenia, i am excited by this. how crisp your voice is. how impossible to answer the questio,n good or bad.

    wonderful! wonderful writing!


  13. Who can tell the good from the bad ones

    ...I think that is were age (time) comes in, perhaps?

  14. This was beautiful in both languages Kenia, although I could only understand a little in yours. It was sweet and put in mind an elderly couple sitting on a porch looking at their lives and each other and realizing that although time has passed they've lived it together to the best of their abilities. Very good piece. Be blessed.

  15. Oh, I love the mysteries you shared~So beautiful!
    I love the wisdom and insight, the pondering of it all~
    Well Done!

    Your blog is so pretty!

  16. The things that really change us usually happen in less than 60 seconds ... but here's to long love together on the porch in twin rocking chairs.

    Best wishes Isabel x

  17. An interesting perspective on time...

  18. dreams can project what we feel... great poem Kenia! enjoy your week

  19. Olá!
    É um grande prazer conhecer seu blog e poder ler o que escreves.
    Acredito que quando escrevemos com prazer conquistamos amigos e fiéis amantes das palavras. Sabemos o quanto é difícil levar a nossa voz, as nossas angustias os nossos sonhos às pessoas. Mas o mais importante é saber que você e eu gostamos daquilo que fazemos.E acreditamos que o mundo pode se tornar bem melhor através de nossos escritos.
    Grande abraço
    Se cuida

  20. Kenia, olá.
    Tenho um pedido: Como mudei o domínio do meu blog para, gostaria de lhe pedir que atualizasse esse endereço no rol dos blogs elencados e indicados no seu blog.

    Um beijo.

    Saudades daqui.


  21. É escolher correr o risco.

    Beijos, Kenia!

  22. ohhhh.
    think of all the sixty seconds. the web of choices and non-choices. the ways we change, and the ways we do not.
    i'll hold this one close to where the blood pumps, kenia.


Deixe suas linhas tortas │Leave your crooked lines│