Sunday, June 5, 2011


(image by Seth Fitts)

Há coisas
que não posso controlar.

Aceitar-lhes a autonomia
implica em dar-lhes asas
e mantê-las longe.

there are things
I can't control.

accepting their autonomy
means I'll
give them wings
and push them away


  1. Mas elas tem a liberdade de voltar.

  2. hello, love, you know i love your words. and i get to give you official thanks, xoxo: As Poets United reaches its first anniversary this week we want to thank you for your support. Over the past year, we have grown to 250 members plus and are steadily growing. Poets United is proud to have you as one of our members and look forward to another successful year. Your imagination, creativity and willingness to share with us is what makes our community such a wonderful place. Thank you for beautiful poetry and thank you for being a part of Poets United.

  3. Quero fechar meus olhos contagem daquele coelho branco que enganado pelo tempo se vê desesperado.É acreditar que comi uma semente envenenada,mas que abortarei tal sentimento. - A sensação de ver a nuvem sumir ..a garganta seca ..uma dor/alegria.Deve existir uma oração..curta mas deve existir!


Deixe suas linhas tortas │Leave your crooked lines│