Tuesday, October 25, 2011


(Image by whisperinwater)

Foi o rosto empoeirado
de um sobrevivente
retirado dos escombros do que
outrora fora uma cidade

ele me fez lembrar de uma ocasião
durante outro terremoto
em que toda a minha atenção foi
dirigida aos pés da Cordilheira do Touro
no Vale do Rio Eufrates

onde você guardava
o meu coração
numa velha lata de café
dentro do armário.

It was the dusty face of a survivor
pulled from beneath the moulds
of what once was a city

it reminded me of my full attention on
the occasion of another huge earthquake
directed to the Euphrates Valley

where my heart used to sit
at the feet of the Taurus Mountains
in an old coffee can inside your cabinet.


  1. gorgeous. you shake up time and civilization here. turkey today, calling up the ancient euphrates, and bringing us to a still shot of a dented coffee can where your soul resides like a genie sleeping.
    beautiful, beautiful work.

  2. Most timely poem. I've lived with earthquakes much of my life and nursed post-earthquake in El Salvador and San Francisco. There is such a sense of helplessness. I like how you took it from the general to a specific memory.

  3. belo poema para um coração apertado
    mas sobrevivente

    abs Kenia

  4. wow the heart in a coffee can is a sticking image...as is the face from the rubble...how scary when the world turns beneath us...poignant in light of the earthquake yesterday...

  5. Beautiful visuals here, your poem reads like words from some long-ago poet... but I don't know how anyone could have said this better, more poignantly:

    where my heart used to sit
    at the feet of the Taurus Mountains
    in an old coffee can inside your cabinet

  6. Bringing tragedy into the homes and cupboards of everyone..... where it truly belongs...... well done.......

  7. We've all kept our hearts in an old coffee can at one time or another.

    Wonderful image,Kenia dear!

  8. Thatlast stanza is amazing, Kenia!

  9. È o mais seguro que há de encontrar.

  10. My heart would feel very happy drinking coffee all the time!

    Now, seriously, loved the last stanza.

    Un abrazo

  11. Olá, me identifiquei com seu blog! Muito bacana! Eu o coloquei na minha lista de blogs. Será que você linkaria o meu também aqui?



  12. olá, gosto muito do seu trabalho.Por favor gostaria de conhecer o meu?
    desde já agradeço, bom dia!

  13. yes, it is the ordinary placement of the soul which gets me, too, amidst the vast destruction.

    you've a very unusual voice, kenia. it is a pleasure to read you.



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