Wednesday, March 30, 2011


(image by Burçin Esin)

Eu grito com o silêncio,
ele me ignora.

Deitamos juntos no sofá,
estou cansada.

Ele se coloca sobre mim
como um cobertor.

- na primavera me sufoca,
no inverno esconde o meu desamparo.

Isso é o mais perto do amor
que tenho estado.

I yell at silence,
it ignores me.

We lay together on the sofa,
I'm exhausted,

it covers me like a blanket

- in the spring it's suffocating,
in the winter it hides my hopelessness.

It's the closest of love I've been to these days.

(Posted to Thursday Think Thank at Poets United)

Sunday, March 27, 2011


(image by Dimitar Misev)

Quase palavras
as coisas que os seus olhos
disseram aos meus.

Elas poderiam
ter nos feito em pedaços
ou ter nos unido pra sempre.

Foi por pouco.

Nearly words
the things your eyes said
to mine.

They could have
broken us into small pieces
or brought us together for good.

It was close.

Thursday, March 24, 2011


Os dias inacabados amontoam-se
na minha janela
os dias em que abracei o silêncio
até que passassem por mim
até que eu passasse por eles
de olhos fechados
tateando paredes
no escuro.

Unfinished days drift at my window
days when I embraced silence
until they had gone past me
until I had gone past them
with my eyes closed
groping for walls
in the dark.

(posted to Big Tent Poetry)

Thursday, March 17, 2011


(image by RONE)

O rosto de alguma mulher
num muro
chorando as lágrimas
de todas as mulheres.

Quão aleatórios
e esquecíveis
são os seres humanos?

- a pergunta em seus olhos
que eu não posso responder.

some woman's face
on a wall
crying all women's tears

how random
and forgetable
are human beings?

a question
in her eyes
I cannot answer.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

The naked pilgrim

I walk around the house
in silence
and yawns

a song in my mind
I'll hum all the way to work
before the morning reaches your eyes.

(if I don't write about future possible, it won't ever be there, will it?)

Losing sleep

Last night
I lost sleep
and the dream
which connected me
to you.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

On detachment

Because I don't own
I sit here
and watch people

Friday, March 11, 2011

The choice not made

When you're sure
to have said the wrong thing
I bet
you would have enjoyed

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The road no one can walk for you

He will
hold my hand
will not fight
the monsters under my bed.

Monday, March 7, 2011


(image by Jysla Kay)

Compro revistas velhas
e faço delas estrelas
para o meu teto,
dou-lhes nomes simpáticos.

Eu escrevi palavras
que não irão muito longe.

Mas a pequena porção de céu
que eu tenho no meu quarto
pendurada em seu silêncio
observa curiosa o meu
tecer de sonhos

Eu teço sonhos
e dou de presente às estrelas.

I buy old magazines
and cut them into stars
I stick them to the ceiling
and call them friends.

Words I have written
that won't do much.

But the tiny portion of sky
in my bedroom
it hangs there in silence
and watches as I
weave dreams

I weave dreams
and give them to stars.

Posted to One Shot Wednesday at One Stop Poetry


I'll lie in his arms,
my feet
will never again
need ground.

Things one should know about me

I'll miss
rain puddles in the summer
and the sunlight in the winter
don't bother about me.

Sunday, March 6, 2011


(image by Rona Keller)

Quando você partir
o vento vai movimentar
o vazio

ele descansará
sobre os móveis
como poeira

O silêncio
todos os espaços

Meu coração
partido em mil pedaços
não poderá ser colado
com condolências.

When you're gone
the wind will carry
the emptiness

it will settle
over the furniture
like dust

Your absence
occupy the spaces

My heart
broken into thousand small pieces
which won't glue back together
with condolences.

In response to Closing the deal


I feel
the heart of life
is not
my heart.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

I don't care

I don't care.

Let things be said
Let words bring castles down
- not me.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


(image by hidanthedark)

Faço pedidos
a estrelas que não vão cair.

Seu nome nos meus lábios,
gravado no meu coração,
escrito na minha pele
com caneta esferográfica
debaixo desse mesmo céu,
dessa mesma lua.

Me pergunto se
vamos caber nos sonhos um do outro
algum dia.


I wish upon stars
that won't fall.

Your name on my lips
engraved on my heart
penned on my skin
under this very sky
this very moon

wondering if
we'll ever fit
each other's dreams.

Posted to One Stop Poetry and Thursday Think Tank at Poets United