Sunday, September 11, 2011


(image by John Myers)

Onde você estava
quando o terror cobriu o mundo
com 15 centímetros de poeira
e nuvens de fumaça?

O sonho de voar
as palavras não ditas
o último pedido
o céu pela última vez

- nunca mais a primeira.

Where were you when
horror covered the world
with 3-inch-thick dust
and clouds of smoke?

The dream of wings
the words not said
a last wish
the sky for a last time

- never again firsts.

(posted to dverse and imaginary garden with real toads 9/11 memorial - 10th anniversary)


  1. words not said haunt me the most...i certainly dont want to be left with any when it is my time...

  2. I think the most painful memory for me is the sight of people jumping to their deaths. Your words:
    a last wish
    the sky for a last time... brought that back for me.

    Thank you for sharing your work on Real Toads.

  3. always a pleasure to read your well crafted and perfectly proportioned pieces - espeacilly in their original form

    sempre bela língua

  4. So very important to share all of the words now, while we still can. A powerful poem.

  5. a last wish
    the sky for a last time' ~ no more first times ~ wishes for wings' ~ Blown me away ~ right to the core ~ horror when you saw those people jump from those windows ~ wonder ~ again 'wishes for wings' ~ wonderful write ~ Lib

  6. 'the sky for the last time' -- heartbreaking.

    i agree with the aaron above: well crafeted and perfectly proportioned.

  7. Heavy... sad. I will never forget that day.

  8. I was in Tahiti when this happened and standing looking at the events unfold in front of me even though they were over 6 hours before they showed us this. I still was in shock when I watched this happen

  9. Saindo de uma prova, sem saber que o ser humano tinha assinado sua falência. Hoje percebo o quanto já não demos certo.

  10. Another reason to embrace the moment; never, never take your love for granted!

  11. Thanks for this comment: "intensity in silence"

    Your can fall into them.

  12. So , is better enjoy the last momment .


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