Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Plágio pra mim tem essa cara | This is the face of plagiarism to me


E eu ontem no Twitter dizendo que esperava que Fevereiro fosse gentil comigo. Entra o mês e o que eu ganho de presente?! Uma plagiadora!

Plágio é uma praga. Ajude a estampar as caras-de-pau espalhadas na Rede. Quem não ter vergonha de copiar não deve ter vergonha de aparecer.

I was on Twitter last night wishing February would treat me kind and guess what I got for a present? A plagiarist.

Plagiarism is a plague. Help to spread plagiarists' faces and links on the Internet. Those who aren't ashamed of copying and not crediting may not be afraid of being exposed.

Links limpos para o poema plagiado
(Clean links to the plagiarized poem)


  1. I call BS. They're saying they asked for permission but didn't hear a response. That's absolutely plagiarism.

    And then they "protect" their work with a warning about plagiarism so that you can't copy & paste it? That's totally messed up.

    How did you find this? I'd love to check and make sure none of my work has been plagiarized.

  2. Ash, I've been warned by one of my readers who wanted permission to use the poem and discovered it nearly by accident that somebody else claimed to have written it.

    But I constantly google lines of my poems to see if they are showing anywhere else besides my blog, it's pretty effective.

    Plagiarism is absurd.

    Kiss you sweetheart! <3

  3. This is sick, Kenia. Has the person considered giving credit to you?

  4. Brad,I've contacted her and the site where the blog is hosted. She didn't say anything but the site administrators e-mailed me saying they'll give her a short time to solve it and if she doesn't, they'll remove the post with my poem.

    I'll visit her everyday, as if I were a ghost! =)

    Kiss you, babe. =*

  5. o plágio atesta a completa falta de criatividade de uns e o talento de outros... infelizmente. copiar e colar é tão fácil, né?


  6. Digo Não e Todos dizemos não ao plágio
    É crime
    e lutaremos contra ele

  7. I have "Google Alerts" for some of the more unique pairings and cool twists of words in my poems, and I get an email anytime one of them shows up on the web. I've caught SEVEN different plagiarists this way!

    I wrote a poem about it:

  8. Que coisa mais chata. Isso me fez acordar, tenho que sempre estar atenta.

  9. I agree with you, Kenia: plagiarism is absurd.
    You and I know the satisfaction of reading our own writing, of thinking: this started with a white sheet, some ink and my mind; it's almost like experiencing a miracle every time. What satisfaction can plagiarizers have? I really don't understand. Hope this nonsense works itself out.

  10. êita. ninguém merece uma dessas. bem que tu faz em divulgar postando aqui.


  11. Plagiarists are sad little hollow wastes of oxygen. A plague upon them.

  12. nice blog ,,this is my first time i visit your site...hope i'll learn much about information on your site..regards


Deixe suas linhas tortas │Leave your crooked lines│