Tuesday, February 15, 2011


A caminho do trabalho
o céu tão azul:

uma tartaruga
persegue um redemoinho,

um pato
toma chá,

um elefante e um unicórnio
brincam de pega-pega.

Nenhum deles encontraria abrigo
se chovesse.

On my way to work
the sky blue anise:

a turtle
chases a dust devil,

a duck
has a cup of tea,

an elephant and a unicorn
play chase.

They would have no shelter
if it rained.

(my piece for One Shot Wednesday over at One Stop Poetry)


  1. E sem abrigo a gente pode intensamente viver!

  2. Naquele tempo em que os animais falavam e eram amigos com respeito pelos demais animais.

    Hoje nem os homens se respeitam. Fazem as guerras e mata-se. Roubam o pão dos que morrem à fome.

  3. Oh, Kenia you speak to me of childhood days in the sweetest of ways. I rarely contemplate clouds anymore but I feel that writing is a natural extension of that activity. This really brought a smile to me. I do feel they have a shelter though - in our minds; countless elephants and unicorns in there.

    Thank you my dear :)

  4. Andreas, when I thought this poem today, looking at those clouds in the sky, I also thought you would understand what I wanted to say and guess what? You're the fourth to comment and the first to actually get the meaning of it. =)

    I have a 'thing' with the sky, I contemplate it everyday, I don't ever want to forget how amazingly beautiful it is, day or night. As an adult, I still enjoy fnding animal shapes on clouds, very few people care about it these days and very few children as well. Guess they will never leave the childhood we did and I feel sorry for them.

    I also believe this 'mind shelter' you mentioned. I was just thinking, well, it was so hot and I wanted it to rain so bad, but when I spotted the animals, I then thought it would be horrible for them, they would have no place to hide, they would disappear!

    Andreas, thank you so much for caring.


  5. Um céu cheio de nuvens...
    Uma cabeça cheia de ideias...
    Será que são só elas que mudam?

    Simples e bonito, como tem que ser.

  6. Revolução dos bichos no caminho ordinário para o trabalho, quer queira, quer não. Bóias-frias shakesperianos, loucos à La Boétie, contemplam Esopo e caem, desiludidos, no buraco-complexo de Zarathustra, que certa vez Isaac ou Newton me contou (meri_poet).

  7. Tartaruga, pato, elefante, unicórnio e tudo mais que se poder ver numa nuvem...!



  8. what an intriguing group of images...i wonder though if they care...and maybe that is the point...

  9. A fun poem. I love all the different images.

  10. I just love this one, kenia. When I was sixteen or so I wrote a poem a little bit like it about camels and kangaroos--the fantasy here is light and warm like sun. Good one.

  11. fantastical, innocent and smile-inducing, in whichever language :)

  12. you took me back to laying in the grass and staring upward at the clouds. a place so long forgotten, cris. ty's, dear lady :)

    Monty / bum

  13. My first oneshot read of the day and I'm so glad...it sets a wonderful tone for the rest of my day :-) So glad to have found you.

  14. oh i love the playfulness in this..childlike and beautifully carefree

  15. Great images, perfect, all that accompanies such honest praise.

  16. Os errados são os que procuram abrigo.

  17. Aww...what a beautifully refreshing poem!! I hope it never rains for them.. and if and when it does, they are well protected ...

    A very sweet one, Kenia..

  18. Dear Kenia

    Great visualization.. and I am watching them form over head.. here in India...

    ॐ नमः शिवाय
    Om Namah Shivaya
    Twitter @VerseEveryDay

  19. Olá, admiro a sua seriedade e inspiração!!
    Mesmo sem postar, sempre que posso acompanho suas poesias!
    Um grande beijo, de um admirador de seu talento.

  20. I love unicorns. Love the fantastical feeling here Kenia!

  21. Mas há o abrigo que mora dentro...
    Belo post!

  22. and would they care at the end of this carefree, whimsical piece?

  23. Childlike and fanciful, like painting by Miro. Their shelter, unlike ours, is that anise sky.

  24. Até a chuva, então, pode ser abrigo.

    Um Beijo Kenia

  25. I love the playful nature of this poem. It makes me smile today.


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